Nacida aprox: enero 2012
Tamaño grande
A Yaka la encontró la policia vagando con sólo cuatro meses. Ha crecido a nuestro lado y todavía sigue esperando. Es una perrita muy buena y cariñosa a la que le encanta que le den cariño. Merece encontrar una familia donde le muestren lo preciosa que es la vida fuera del refugio.
¿Quieres ser tú?
Yaka found the police wandering with only four months. She has grown to our side and she is still waiting. She is a very good and affectionate dog that she loves to be fond of. She deserves to find a family where they show her how precious life is outside the shelter.
Do you want to be you?
Yaka found the police wandering with only four months. She has grown to our side and she is still waiting. She is a very good and affectionate dog that she loves to be fond of. She deserves to find a family where they show her how precious life is outside the shelter.
Do you want to be you?
Contacto info.colmilloblanco@gmail.com
Si no puedes adoptar, difunde o colabora:
- Grupo Teaming, por sólo 1 euro al mes: https://www.teaming.net/protectoracolmilloblanco-grupo?lang=es_ES
- Número de cuenta: ES22 2038 6103 50 3000070937 BIC: CAHMESMMXXX
Esta preciosidad deberia encontrar un hogar que le quiera, como todos sus amigos...ayudales!!